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Welz Tile Book Cave: November- The Power Of One More by Ed Mylett

I was very excited for The Power Of One more by Ed Mylett. I listen to Ed Mylett's podcast and I am very familiar with his inspirational content and leadership with business and success. The Power Of One More is doing that one extra thing to change your relationships, business, and life. The willingness to make one more business call, get up one hour earlier, or do the one more thing that the situation calls for.

TF Hodge said "What surrounds us is what is within us." The first thing Mylett talks about is that we need to think about who we are around. You are a reflection of the people you associate with. Are you around people and friends who make you better and more successful? Or are you around those who do not learn, achieve, or grow? John Wooden said "You will never outperform your inner circle."

Time is constant. Our perception of time is called mind time. Mind time is what the speed of time feels like. This is why when we are having a good time the clock seems to go fast and if we don't want to be somewhere, then the clock seems to go slow. Time is more valuable than money. We can't go back in time. We all have the same 24 hours. Mylett has a time management principle that he uses to be more efficient. He divides his day into 3 equal parts: his "first day" is 6am-noon, his "second day" is noon-6pm and his "third day" is 6pm-midnight. As he thinks of his days being shorter, there is an urgency for each task. Mylett also says that "the first 30 minutes of your day are critical." This sets the tone and balance for the day. Stay away from your phone, computer, or tv. Use that 30 minutes to plan the day, meditate, pray, stretch, and reflect on your goals. I have tried this and he is right! My days when I take the first 30 minutes to set the tone make all the difference in my mood for the entire day. Mylett tells us to fill our home with positive emotions. This includes: Meditation, Finding balance, Identify your triggers, and Resolve the change the way you think. Meditation again sets the tone for the day. Finding balance in your day involves working, but also doing things that you enjoy and make you happy. Identify your triggers means to figure out what makes you angry. Some things we can control and some things we can't. Try not to over stress of those things we can't control. Resolve to change the way you think would be to identify a negative thought and try to change it to positive.

When we set standards to match our goals then our life becomes less stressful. Standards help us achieve our goals and are more valuable when they are precise. Here are 9 ways to set a higher standard:

1. Know your "why" 2. Break down a higher standard into detailed and achievable steps. 3. Be honest with yourself. 4. Get help in areas where you're weak

5. Use technology to set and maintain your new standards

6. Give dedicated thought to the relationship between your goal and your standard.

7. Forget perfection

8. Don't overthink it

9. Set standards to please yourself. Your standards should be challenging yet achievable. We have to be able to change and adjust as we go along. Next Mylett talks about habits. "Show me your habits, and I'll show you your life." Creating a new habit involves 3 steps: The trigger, the action, and the prize. The trigger is the specific goal that you want to be a habit. The action is finding a way to make the habit stick. It takes 30 days for a habit to develop. The prize is the payoff. Habits can not only change your life, habits could also save your life. Think of some good habits to consider: eating healthy foods, regular exercise, getting adequate sleep. There are many more habits to add to this list and it will be different for each person.

Mylett gives us the 11 leadership principles that he practices to produce significant results.

  1. Become an Evangelist. The best leaders enroll others in their cause.

  2. Listen and Observe. Identify the gifts and talents of those around you.

  3. Wise leaders build other leaders. They look for those who will grow and develop as leaders.

  4. Love, believe in, care, and show people how to live better. Show kindness and encourage those around you. People remember how you made them feel.

  5. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition. "Leadership is not about saying new things to old people, it's about saying old things to new people." Keep your message simple.

  6. Be generous with recognition. Find ways to praise people publicly and privately.

  7. Have a cause, crusade, and a mission. What are we for? What are we against?

  8. Be authentic and humble. Be honest and own up to mistakes.

  9. Create a culture. People are drawn to an environment that has clearly defined goals and expectations.

  10. Give people the resources they need to be successful. This includes training, coaching, supplies, and equipment to do the best job possible.

  11. Build a movement. This takes time but starts with a strong foundation.

Overall I enjoyed this book. It had some wonderful points of how to achieve success. I like that the book has important sentences in bold, so that those areas stand out. This book has so much information, it would be good to keep on your bookshelf and refer back to. Mylett does have a chapter on prayer and faith. He makes it not about religion, but whatever faith you believe in. Some many like that, and some may not. I will read more books by this author and I have learned many new skills and ideas to incorporate into our business.

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