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Welz Tile Book Cave: June: Surrounded by Idiots

My selection for June was called Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson. June was a busy travel month for me and I decided to listen to this via audiobook. This book was recommended to me by another small business owner who was raving about it- and it did not disappoint! I found myself laughing out loud and agreeing so much with the authors writing.

Thomas Erikson describes four types of human behavior and uses a color to help differentiate them. The colors are Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. You will easily find that you fall into one of these categories. Most people can also be a mix of colors.

Let's talk about Red personality first. The red person makes quick decisions, they are strong in leadership, and follows the rules. They are outgoing, and do not back down to an argument. A red boss tends to have employees afraid to approach them, and afraid of what they might say. There is no sugar coating anything with a red. They say what's on their mind and finish any task very quickly. Many reds have entrepreneurial tendencies.

You know a yellow personality because they don't stop talking. They will talk to anyone about anything (but they usually like to talk about themselves). Yellows are creative and fun. They are outgoing and tend to have a crowd of people around them. They are the entertainers and extremely positive. They tend to have the messiest desks and spaces of all the colors.

Green personalities are introverts. They are in tune with others emotions and tend to avoid all conflict as much as possible. They are calm, but also can be seen as secretive. They are by far the easiest people to work together with. They are the best listeners of all the colors. They make good friends and good employees. Greens tend to wait with big decisions, until they are forced to make up their minds.

When you meet a blue, you know because they want the facts. They read the manual (sometimes 2-3 times), and keep everyone following the rules. They are introverted and need to know each and every step of the project. They make lists and keep everything in order. They are always on time and will be the person who corrects you when you spell something wrong or give any small detail that isn't completely correct. They are analytical and precise.

There are colors that work well together and colors that do not. I think the most important thing is to realize which color another person is, and know that they may not be trying to be mean, rude, or judgmental, this is the way that there personality is and how they think. Just be aware of how to approach another color and what may work for the situation. I think this is a helpful tip for sales. If I can pick up a blue personality, then I should use more numbers, facts, and descriptions. If the person is red, then I should get right to the point and answer their questions directly.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to do better in sales and understand relationships around us. This book also helped me understand myself and why I do the things I do. I enjoyed this audiobook, but since I always prefer a real book, I will most likely be purchasing this book for my shelf in my office. I like to write my blogs with tagging sections of the book that I find interesting and useful, but with an audiobook it makes it harder to take notes and remember key points.

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