Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill was written in 1937, so this has been updated and revised for the 21st century. He states there are 13 steps to riches with each being a chapter. Desire is first. Fix your mind the exact amount of money you desire and set a definite date. Create a detailed plan and put it into action. Write down your statement and read it aloud 2xday. See and feel yourself as already possessing what you seek. In this chapter I love that he talks about "every great leader was a dreamer." The 2nd step to riches: Faith. "Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought." We have to believe that we can accomplish greatness and practice positive thinking. There is a self-confidence formula the author discusses. There is something magic that can happen with faith & idea come together.
The 3rd step to riches: Auto-suggestion. Auto-suggestion is defined as the influencing of one's own attitudes, behavior, or physical condition by mental processes other than conscious thought. In other words if your "self-talk" is positive, your results will be positive. If your "self-talk" is negative, your results will be negative. After reading this chapter, this is when I think about mediation and creating positive energy around you and your day.
The 4th step to riches: Specialized knowledge. Knowledge is potential power. "Knowledge will not attract money unless it is organized and intelligently directed through practical plans of action to the definite end of accumulation of money. A person without advanced schooling could still organize a mastermind group and learn from those who bring their knowledge and education. The main point here is to be hungry to learn and obtain knowledge (in any way or form).
The 5th step to riches: Imagination. In the book they call imagination the workshop of the mind- love this! Stick to your ideas, think of what you customers want and give it to them, and keep open to new opportunities.
The 6th step to riches: Organized planning. This goes back to organzing your mastermind group. Write down ideas and strategies. At this chapter, we learn 11 major attributes of leadership. We also learn major causes of failure in leadership.
The 7th step to riches: Decision. "The value of decisions depends upon the courage required to make them." This is where you put ideas into action. Stop procrastating and start doing.
The 8th step to riches: Persistence. "The basis of persistence is the power of will." When you combine willpower, desire, and persistence you have an unstoppable person. Many times those who accumulate great fortunes are describes as cold blooded, but in fact these individuals have a great willpower to achieve greatness. There is no substitute for persistence. This is a great chapter that gives us many stories of people who did not give up on their dreams and how to cultivate persistence.
The 9th step to riches: Power of the Master Mind. "Power is essential for success in the accumulation of money. The Master Mind may be defined as coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose." Anyone can want riches, but only those who have a definite plan and desire have a chance to accumulate it.
The 10th step to riches: The mystery of sex transmutation. Transmute means changing or transferring one element or form of energy into another. This is basically redirecting sexually energy into achieving goals. Think of how love and sex can infuence literature, art, music, and architecture.
The 11th step to riches: the subconscious mind- the connecting link. "The subconscious mind consists of a field of consciousness in which every impulse of thought that reaches the objective mind through any of the five senses is classified and recorded." The subconscious mind is not entirely under your control and it's working non-stop. In this chapter we learn the 7 major positive emotions: Desire, Faith, Love, Sex, Enthusiasm, Romance, and Hope. The 7 major negative emotions: Fear, Jealousy, Hatred, Revenge, Greed, Superstition, and Anger. "Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time." It is up to us to decide which emotion is in control.
The 12th step to riches: the brain. We have 3 principles to keep in mind when activating our brain: the subconscious mind, creative imagination, and autosuggestion.
The 13th step to riches: The sixth sense. In this book, they call it "the door to the temple of wisdom." Understanding this comes by meditating through mind development and is both spiritual and mental. I could write an entire blog on meditation alone. Daily meditation has made me more calm, focused, grateful, and connected. Overall this book is great! My blog was a little long, but I thought the best way to break it down was by going through each of the 13 steps to riches. We also get a self-analysis test at the end. This is a good way to self-reflect and get into some deep life questions about how we think and feel. This would be a beneficial test to go back to every so often and continue to improve on your character and thinking. "Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit. You either control your mind or your mind controls you."