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Schluter Systems "Mind Your Business" Class

I attended Schluter Systems Mind Your Business Class over the last 2 days in Bloomington, MN. This was an invitation only class for tile business owners. The first thing I noticed was how well organized it was. Schluter always does a good job with having information that is up to date and speakers that are knowledgeable and informative.

The first step was how to come up with your Business Model. The group had a mix of those who were seasoned owners and those who had just started their business. We also covered Resource Management and Financial Management, Sales Skills, and Marketing. We ended with Risk Management and Retirement Planning. We also calculated a job estimate in groups and worked together to come up with our materials and numbers. This was beneficial to see how other companies determine their prices and length of time on a project. We made 6 month goals for our business and wrote them down while also giving them to our Schluter rep so they can keep us accountable to achieve our goals.

The networking at any of the Schluter courses is top notch! These are the people in your industry who are willing to learn and accept new information. They want to help each other and see each other obtain success.

We were fed well on both days along with ice cream floats, cheese curds, and soft pretzels for a 10am snack! The Schluter reps do their best to make each person feel welcome and engage in conversations with them. I saw many times a person alone at a table and a rep would go over, sit next to them and start a conversation.

I would recommend this course to other tile contractors starting their own business or established companies to refine their business goals and network.

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